Hah... I found out that in order to stay in my EMT class, I had to have my CPR for Basic Life Support with AED training renewed by this Wednesday, AND have 2 copies of proof of a negative PPD test, and proof of MMR vaccination, as well as a waiver for Hep B vaccinations since I haven't had that, and there isn't time to do it by Wednesday... Luckilly, the teacher set up a class Saturday for those of us who needed the BLS CPR recertified, and I took that Saturday and passed with flying colors. LOL I actually got to be dummy too.. But not for breathing. Someone asked for an example of the recovery position, so I got to be the victim and pushed around by 2 guys in my class. For some reason that is funny to me. But I'm crazy so...
I know tetanus has to be redone every 10 years, but didn't see anything on MMR and if that ever needs to be given again, or if once is enough- so I wrote the teacher, and once is enough. CPR? Check. Negative PPD? Check. MMR? Check. Waiver for Hep B? Check. Oh yeah baby. Count me in on the EMT course! Booyah...
This is the most strict class I know of with GPAs though- you have to have an 80% to pass, which is an excellent thing because really, you want people to know what they're doing, and restricting it by grades apparently helps. The instructor is totally cool too, and I can't wait for Wednesday night to learn more.
Which helps right now because I'm waiting for Tuesday too.. LOL yeah. Anwyay
Mom wrote me today and her CA125 is down to 11 now. Not a big drop from the last 14, but still a drop. I'm excited right now.
So.. My roomate had me talking to her manager about a job as a clerk at the pharmacy, but I thought about it more this weekend, and really can't take the cut they want me to take right now. Shelby said she'd love to have me work there because it would help her out and she knows I'd work my butt off like she does, but she doesn't want me to hate it and she really thinks I will. I totally trust and value her opinion (that seems like I spelt it wrong) so will call the manager tomorrow when she's in the pharmacy to let her know I don't think its going to work. Shelby said they haven't been looking at anyone else. So I feel bad, but I'm more valuable and shouldn't take a cut in pay. In fact, I should be looking for more if anything. We'll see how that goes.
Its pouring outside. I love it. I want to sit under a tin roof and just listen to the rain with a good book and glass of Chardonnay.... hmmmm....
Yes that's a good idea.. But it will have to wait until after tonight. I'm going to dinner with my friend Jaime, after we stop by Sierra so she can pay her bills and I can get scantrons for my EMT test... And... I'm kind of hoping I run into someone, but I'm not going looking.
I should be eating my lunch right now, but I feel like talking. You ever feel like no one talks to you? Sometimes I come home and am really talkative, but neither of my roomates are, so I go into my room and chill... Trying to give them space ya know? Shelby and I had a talk about that last night, they were apparently worried I was mad at them. HAH! Yeah right. My foot. I'm mad at them like I hate Neil. (um.. In case you haven't been paying attention both of those couldn't be farther from the truth.)
Speaking of Neil. I went up to his house this weekend and got my hope chest and a couple of other things. Now I don't have room in my room for my hamper... Might have to re-arrange things again. But not yet. I was totally fine until someone close to both of us said she's having a hard time with us not being together... That hurt. I have been doing a lot better, great actually unless I really sit and think about it. But to have someone we both love look me in the eye and say she can't believe its over, brought me down a little bit last night.
So I took my dad's truck back to his house, and forgot the things I was going to do before I gave it back to him- clean the flower petals out, and leave the truck how he gave it to me. Including gas... He said he didn't care, but I feel like an arse. He said he wants to help me out, and I keep telling him he has. I'm glad that he cares right now though, because I know if worse comes to worse I can go to him, and he'll help me out with whatever he can. My dad really is becoming more and more awesome.
Anyway. I'm off to go daydream and watch time hopefully fly by so I can go play with clay tomorrow night... Finish the project I'm working on as soon as I can. haha...