What? Its Monday already?
How was your weekend? Mine was interesting. Friday night started well, I went out to dinner with a friend, and was going to go to her house and spend the night, have a nice long chat, but we ran into the guy she’s kind of dating when we stopped at the store on the way, and found out he lied about his plans that night, and she decided she wasn’t up for a girl’s night in. I went home, felt crappy and ditched, and my roommates were walking out the door. I could have gone with them, but would have felt worse if I asked if it was okay to go, though I had an unspoken open invitation, and they didn’t ask me to come. So, I cried, got on my computer, and couldn’t tell you what until I woke up at noon on Saturday. Which was perfect because the birthday party started at two! I felt rested, and had a great time at the party. It was even better being in a house I am comfortable in.
Sunday, I went back to the pharmacy Shelby works at and met with the pharmacy manager again, about a clerk position. The only problem is that I would make a lot less- anywhere I go I’ll already be taking a pay cut without having the on call time, and the pharmacy wouldn’t be able to pay me nearly as much, and I think I can find a higher paying job elsewhere. But, I’m not quite ruling it out yet.
I was telling my mom today that I’ve had a couple of people mention that you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else, and I’ve told each of them that I love myself, I just am insecure sometimes about whether or not other people like me too. In those down times, all of the love in the world doesn’t seem to make a big difference when the one person I’m trying to reach won’t even answer my calls. Luckily, it quickly washes away, and I’m only drowning for an hour or three. Usually, I’m quite content with the wonderful friends and family I do have. But those times when I really want to be with so and so, (Neil or someone else) and that person can’t be with me, sometimes I can’t keep my brain in the right perspective. I am getting better though. Being around positive friends and family certainly helps.
The Steelers beat the Broncos this weekend! Yes! Now it’s the Steelers vs. the Seahawks for the Superbowl! I can’t wait! I was hoping by then Neil and I can watch it with some friends, but it sounds like he won’t be around that weekend. And, its probably best that we don’t start hanging out again as soon as I would like to. Hopefully, our friend Adam doesn’t have anything planned, it would be cool to watch it with him, but I’m thinking about seeing what Dad is doing instead- Dad is a Steelers fan, and it would be nice to watch it with him somewhere. Or, I could go up to Chico for the weekend and watch it with my friend Catalina. I might do that. Hopefully by then our friend Jackie has had her baby ( She was due the 14th of this month!) and I’ll be able to see baby Micah too.
I re-arranged my room yesterday, and I must say I think I like it. I might even take some pictures to post before I mess it all up again! Kind of nice to change the things I can control, you know? And, I’ve wanted to do it for the last two months… My roommates both think it looks bigger. So far, the only thing I don’t like is that my head is below the heater vent. We have 9’ ceilings, so its not like the vent is RIGHT above my head… I am going to look tonight to see if I can re-direct it somehow…
Am I rambling? I think I am. Oh well. I need to go anyway. I’m sure I’ll ramble on later (today or another day…)
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