Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Think I can hold my breath until the 27th?

My mom had a PET scan this afternoon to see if there are any lingering cancer cells they missed before- her CA125 levels have not really been dropping like they were. BUT, she doesn't get the results until the 27th, when she goes in for chemo again. Luckilly, I get to go with her and see what its all about. That might be hard emotionally, but it is an opportunity I will not let pass me by.

Excited about the game this weekend, Neil and I are going shopping tonight for "long underwear" to wear, and then I'm going to try and get all the gifts I need to ship to Arizona wrapped so I can ship it and not have to worry about carrying those with me on the plane next weekend! I can't believe its almost Christmas already.. Wow.... I need go get moving on my project for Mom. Bryce (my sister in law, Garrett's wife) and I got the idea when Mom was diagnosed with Cancer, and I've had it in my room ever since. Its about half way done, but the rest of it will just be waiting for paint to dry. I'll try to post a picture of it when its done... I'd tell you what it is, but I don't want her to find out early. :D

Anyway. Mom asked me if I have any ideas or desires for Christmas dinner. CRAB! Growing up, we always had Crab on Christmas Eve at my grandparents' house, and to some of us grandkids, its tradition... Crab never tastes as good to me as it does on Christmas... Its just somethign special.

What can I say? I love traditions.


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