Pictures! Oh yeah buddy...
I am so proud of myself for being able to figure this out! I actually posted a picture! Hah! I feel so smart. Which is excellent because work is REALLY slow right now and I am at the point where I do not feel stimulated enough and my mind is going crazy! It will change. I actually posted this picture on the 12th.
My brother Garrett did something really cool back in May. He bought tickets to take himself, his wife Bryce, my Dad and his wife Connie, my Grandma, myself and my boyfriend Neil to a Giant's game at SBC Park. It was awesome. May 25th, 2005 against the LA Dodgers. The Giants won 10-2. I had never been to SBC Park, and hadn't been to a Giant's game since I was about 10 or 11. But that was only half of what made the game so awesome. No, it wasn't that the Giants Kicked the Dodgers Butts either, but that my brother Garrett! had bought tickets for all of us to go- including my boyfriend Neil!
Garrett is not as family oriented as some of the rest of us are. For example, I see Bryce about once a week, and we go shopping or get some food or watch a movie or something, together. We love spending time with each other, not only as family, but as friends. Its great. My mom spends a lot of time with my other brother Ben and his family, babysitting the kids, going on hikes/bike rides/walks, taking them to the park, just spending time together. Garrett on the other hand, will go see his friends, but doesn't really spend as much time with the family. Its not a bad thing, its just the way he is. Garrett is also the oldest child, therefore moved out first, and hasn't spent as much time around me as Ben or Bryce have. It was really big to me that he bought a ticket for Neil too, because that acknowledged (at least in my mind) that he sees me now as me, not the 13 year old brat I was when I lived with him and spent the most time with him last. Its as if he was saying "I think this guy is okay, and he looks like he's sticking around for a while. My sister seems happy, so it would be nice if I included him too."

Neil and I at a Giants game in May, 2005

I'll post the rest of the pics when I get home and onto my laptop!
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