Tuesday, August 30, 2005

So far, so good

Were I as creative as my cousin, I would start this off with a bit of Frank's lyrics, but alas, I am not. (I am also entirely too tired to think about any song other than the one playing behind me.)

My mom has cancer.

This is new. Well, fairly. She was in surgery yesterday, and they took everything out, including a grapefruit sized mass.

Luckilly, its only stage 1, and does not look like it has spread. So this is good. What's bad is telling your best friend's parents (I am still really close with the family, and if I had not called, they would have found out from my grandma at church and called me)- when your best friend died of a form of cancer a few years ago. And finding out her little sister as a bone problem in her foot that means she will have to have surgery to avoid losing the foot- she's 12!!!!!

A few of the "surveys" that run around the internet ask a question:
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Up until now, I would have answered- Breathing underwater.. Yeah, flying would be cool, but think about being able to dive down- no snorkel, no scuba gear, and just swim!

Today, more than anything else, I wish I had the power to heal- take pain and illness from others and onto myself.


Blogger Heather said...

Hi Jamie. I am a good friend of your cousins. I am praying for your mom.

I would ask for the power to heal too.

1:59 PM  

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